A new open dataset holding nearly 30,000 scientific articles was released to the public last week. The database, called CORD-19, is a step towards helping...
Category - News
Three months into 2020, Google is dominating the tech industry with machine learning product releases. As of February, the tech giant has rolled out several...
The rising impact of data science is coming to further fruition as the Private Equity world embraces the impact of Big Data. Wharton graduates Picahe and...
UC Berkley this week received its largest gift donation in its history to fund the development of its Data Science hub. Already a sort-after institution...
The Vatican has decided to join tech companies Microsoft and IBM as they promote AI and find ways to regulate intrusive innovations, particularly facial...
MIT researchers have developed a moisture sensor to avoid painful rashes and miserable babies caused by wet diapers. The new “smart” diaper can send signals to...
Over the years since Data Science has emerged as a discipline, the focus has shifted more toward model deployment, sentiments echoed by May here. This demand...
Macho work culture could be the culprit behind the decreasing number of women pursuing data science jobs – a field where tech is used to analyze current trends...
Pioneering the use of augmented reality effects on social media, Snapchat recently added two more – lenses that turn ground into bubbling lava or reflective...
The mind who calculated the rocket trajectories and Earth orbits for NASA’s early space missions, Katherine Johnson, has died at the age of 101. “Ms. Johnson...